Saturday, 16 March 2019

March 15th

I am so incredibly proud of all the students for the amazing job they did on their animal research projects! We began by reading the story The Mitten by Jan Brett.  Then the students all chose an animal from that story to research.  Students had to make a cover for their book with a realistic photo and the animals habitat. 

 Students read and listened to books and books on the Epic website to find information about their animal.  They needed to include what their animal looked like, what it eats, where it lives, and three interesting facts about their animal. They also did a guided drawing of their animal from Art for Kids Hub.


Finally, the students took all their information and put it in a 
report about their animal.

We shared our reports with Mrs. Dupont's Grade One class.  They had some writing to share with us too!

We are getting good at writing sentences with our weekly sight words.

 We are learning new addition games every week.  This week the big hit was learning the game 10s Pyramid. We also played a fun game called What Makes 10?  Students had to take the two coloured post-it notes and create equations that make 10.  These two games help us with our basic facts. 

Here is a video that shows you how to play What Makes 10?

And we finally dove into Mathletics, which is an online math program directly linked to the Grade One curriculum outcomes.  

Our friends from the Teacher's Pet organization came to teach us how to do a painting with acrylic paint.  The painting was of a rural scene with an urban scene in the background.  This was a great project because it incorporated many aspects of the curriculum, including art techniques, colour science and types of communities in social studies.
The paintings turned out beautifully and they are adding colour to our hallway!

We have had some pretty great Phys. Ed. classes this week with TWO visitors.  First, we had Eric from the Lacrosse Association in to teach us all about the game.  We learned some great skills and the kids just LOVED it!  We also had a fun time learning dance steps and grooving to the music with Leo, our resident dance instructor. Pictures and videos of that to come next week...

Here they are demonstrating their awesome lacrosse skills!