Friday 20 December 2019

December 20th

Christmas fun in Grade One!

We started each day this week by doing some guided Christmas drawings - The Grinch, a Christmas Train and a Christmas Elf.  They were all SO cute!!

When we learned about Christmas traditions in Holland, Sinterklaas came and left us some treats in our wooden shoes.

How do you catch the gingerbread baby??  Well, we had lots of good ideas so we decided to write them down!  The students did an awesome job and then they made the cutest little houses - open the doors and peek inside and you will find a way to catch that sneaky gingerbread baby! We shared our stories with our classmates and had a good laugh.

Our Gingerbread Centers Day was a BIG HIT!  The students enjoyed some really neat centers.

Cookie Decorating Mmmmmm!

Writing about gingerbread using our 5 senses.

Guided drawings of gingerbread men and houses on Art for Kids Hub.

We played a cool Roll-A-Gingerbread Boy or Girl Game

We made paper gingerbread houses.

We played with gingerbread playdough that smelled amazing.

 We built hideouts for the the gingerbread man to hide from the fox.

We made sandpaper gingerbread men to put on our gingerbread houses.


We coloured in our gingerbread colouring books.

And of course we had a blast making the coolest little gingerbread houses!